Let the Chaos Begin!

This morning we get the keys to our new place from the tenant. I am not going over empty handed though. I am bringing the first load of yard stuff. Tonight we do our walk through with their “relocation specialist”. The rest of this weekend is moving the garage, yard and shed.

Monday and Tuesday we have painters, deep cleaners and carpet cleaners coming. So by Wednesday the place will be a clean slate. This includes turning the formal living/dining room into Dawn’s art studio. My folks are also coming up Monday afternoon and helping out through Thursday morning most likely. They are the veterans of many moves from when my Dad was in the military. I am sure having them will be super helpful by just having another set of packing hands and a car to move small loads will help. The goal is to have everything that the heavy movers are not responsible for gone.

Then Thursday afternoon the movers come for the heavy stuff and we will spend our first night there. Hopefully we are done at the old place except a little cleaning. Then do a walk though to get our deposit back Saturday.

As a bonus we can start using the pool, which is now running smoothly, and the hot tub. The hot tub just have a major service Friday which included a purge, filter change and water change. I am so going to need that for my expected sore body.

I already got one thing wrapped up on Friday which was getting Kyle transportation that won’t leak oil on the driveway. That is an HOA no-no apparently.  Sold his car with 190M miles on it and leased a nice subcompact for a nominal monthly amount. It is good to have friends who are GSM’s at local dealerships. The first year of payments were covered with just the things that various mechanics recommended I do anyway. That and I pick up reliability so I won’t be picking him up on the side of the road at some ungodly hour. Add in better mileage and regular vs premium and I about offset insurance bump.

So let the chaos begin!



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How fast a decade goes. We officially sold our place as of yesterday! It seems like just yesterday that I impulsively bought a house after my divorce while I was dating Dawn. I thought it I was just buying a place for a couple of years until I settled down with someone. Then I figured I would move to a house that “we” bought together. Well it turns out that it was Dawn that I settled down with and because of the real estate crash I was here a little longer then I had anticipated.

It was a great house but it was a little small for us and it did not have the garage or RV/boat space we (I) needed. The laundry room was incredible according to Dawn. Lots of room to leave clothes on the counter and easily converted to a darkroom or art space in a pinch. The neighboorhoood went from full when they first built everything, to empty during the crash. There are only three of us from the beginning. It is full again and I almost feel guilty leaving.

Well we rent back until the end of the month and our tenants move out the 24th. That gives us a week to move which should be enough. I am so looking forward to the new place! A little more room all the way around, my own office and a pool for the whole family.

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Yep you read that right. We recorded this afternoon on the new place. We officially own too many houses for the time being. On the new place we now have to wait for the tenant to move out on May 24th. Then we can move in. A part of me is relieved that we have some time to organize a move and the other part wants to get in there. It has a pool for God’s sake and it is 90 degrees this week! I have to take the long view and just chill. Get in there right. Clean, paint, etc.

On our old place we are supposed to close around the 13th of May and then we will rent back for two weeks. That gives us a week to move which should hopefully be enough. The only bummer is that the start of the move week is over the Memorial day weekend so getting folks working in there might be tough.

So hopefully our old place closes without any hitches, knock on wood, and then we just have to deal with the normal chaos of a move. Wish us luck.

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This showed up in my office mailbox today. It was not supposed to be here until July or August they said. Surprise! It has been 24 years since I got my undergrad diploma. I am not doing a PhD so this is it. I already can’t figure out how I had the time to do it.

MSFS diploma

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Things had been quiet too long around here and I was starting have to much time on my hands after grad school, yea right. So we decided to spice things up a little and bought a new house by accident.


We have been looking at open houses for a year or so now with the idea that we would kind of know what we wanted when we saw it when the time was right. I just assumed that time was in about a year or so. Whoops! We went to see an open house less than a mile from our current house with low expectations. I have one odd ball criteria for a house. I want RV & boat access for storage. Rare in new home developments in general. Well this one had this and all the other things we were looking for and the kids won’t even need to change schools. So we fixed up our place by doing everything I have been putting off for the last year or so. The place looks great now and I should have done it all those things a long time ago. Live and learn I suppose. So if you know anyone looking for a great place in Lincoln let them know I have one for sale. By the way there is nothing wrong with our old one other than it became a little to small for us.

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